Posh Nosh 2016

Saturday 10 December 2016

Old Warden Village Hall

Chief Organiser: Lady P


The 8th Annual Christmas Posh Nosh to be held at Old Warden Village Hall was like its predecessors – a rip-roaring success, with good food, fun and frolics aplenty. While Lady P again pulled the strings she this year added delegation to her array of talents, recruiting Gonerill to supplement the well established Master Chef team of Underlay and Clap Trap.

After the obligatory four courses Rapid Withdrawal presented his review of the year and GM Pongo was on hand to make the awards:

  • POSH Award, for the most runs, to Double Entry, as usual
  • POOR Award, for being runner up to DE, to Ringer, missing out by just one run
  • Layer of the Year, for the most runs hared, jointly to Capt F and Forking
  • Top Dog was – no, not Pecker, but his family mutt Tia

Ringer presented the Turnip Prize for most inventive Wurdz to Rapid for his "Crosswurdz", and Shagpile gave the RA's Wooden Spoon for hashing eccentricity to Skidmark, primarily for her Marie Antoinette.

Entertainment was again provided by one-man-band Gavin, combining a great voice with a playlist that nailed it for us.

And then H5 performed, not for the first time, the miracle of Old Warden, a recurring feat for which someone should be beatified. A scene of utter chaos was transformed into a clean, empty and tidy village hall in a matter of minutes. How this can be done – especially by a bunch of imbibing old codgers – defies all logic, and if not the subject of many witness statements would never be believed.

If you missed this, and some were unlucky enough to do that, make sure you don't next year.

For those of you who missed it, or who would like to see it again (and who wouldn't), here is an old codger's video diary and interview with Rapid, which premiered after the pudding course.